Russian war crimes report to be presented in the Hague


The document consists of 60 interviews with former detainees who managed to escape.

The report “Russian War Crimes in Eastern Ukraine in 2014” has headed off to the International Criminal Court in Hague, Polish parliamentarian Małgorzata Gosiewska wrote.

She stresses the news around the document are booming since the escaped prisoners of the Russian-backed separatist forces are ready to share the details of their captivity in public.

Małgorzata Gosiewska presented the report about the Russian war crimes in Donbas region in March 2016. The document includes 60 interviews with former prisoners of war, conducted by former policemen and experts along with Ukrainian volunteers.

The victims described the awful conditions of their captivity. Detainees were packed wall-to-wall, sometimes 100 prisoners to a room, with holes dug into the ground for toilets.

Incarceration, physical and psychological torture, robbery and even murders is just a brief list of what Ukrainian patriots went through while in captivity. Some of the crimes are shockingly cruel. Małgorzata Gosiewska stopped several times reading some stories of Ukrainian prisoners.

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